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Join Pastor Krys & the LVHCI® family for an EMPOWERING & REFRESHING corporate prayer experience on Monday evenings @ 7p.m. via the LVHCI® Conference Line!
SwordVBS is our Bible Study ministry which currently meets both 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month at 7p.m. ET. At SwordVBS, you will learn basic biblical principles as well as sessions dedicated to "How to Study the Bible." Join us! You're in for a treat!
The Word w/ Pastor Krystle is a livestream broadcast that generally takes place on Thursday evenings at 7P.M. ET via Facebook live! It is the perfect midweek Word experience! You can connect from home, in your car, at work, at the airport, on the bus, etc! Connect and be blessed in Jesus name!

With such a breakdown in families across the nation, BROTHERHOOD is a ministry designed to teach men of all ages how to become godly leaders in their home; dependable providers, and integral members of society. It is through various fellowships, strategic prayers, Bible studies, and more, that BROTHERHOOD nurtures men to be that beacon of light in the community. Lets go BROTHERHOOD!
There is a need for committed intercessors who are dedicated to remaining steadfastly postured for intercession. Connect with C2i® in expectation and you're guaranteed to experience the confirming POWER of the Holy Spirit, DIVINE REVELATION, IMPARTATION, and more! TAP INTO HIGHER HEIGHTS! Dive into DEEPER DEPTHS! Explore BROADENED DIMENSIONS! Walk in it and WATCH GOD TAKE YOU PLACES! Connect with C2i® today!
Providing thorough training and spiritual impartation at an early age is imperative. The Bible says in Proverbs 22:6; Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. LVHCI® Kidz a children's youth department serving age 0-12. The assignment for this ministry is to train children according to biblical principles, initiate youth involvement, as well as provide a fun and safe learning environment. Click here to visit LVHCI® Kidz Online!
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